May 31, 2013

Beauty Icons: Classic is Forever

From the 1920s to the present, every age has a signature look personified by the lovely femme fatales of the time. Although each face, from Hepburn to Hathaway has a unique beauty, there are many tips we can learn from beauty icons then, and yes, even now, that never go out of style. Lets begin with Audrey Hepburn:


Audrey is known for her graceful simplicity. On the left, one feature stands out, and that is the eyes. Strong brows frame her beautiful almond shaped eyes. The makeup is not overpowering here. On the left, her pretty pink lips take the focus, with minimal eye makeup and soft, groomed brows.

What we can learn from Audrey is that less is more. Pick one feature and leave the rest neutral, but defined. Strong pink lips alone looks silly.  Thick liner and filled-in brows   make a statement, so leave the rest neutral.

The next icon is Twiggy: 

  The epitome of youth and rebellion, the sixties can be illustrated by the makeup and fashion of it's time. The picture on the left is worth a thousand words- a bold visual statement that has impacted the fashion and beauty industry for decades to come.
That being said, what we can learn from Twiggy (right) is to stay modern, and age gracefully. It would be absurd for this accomplished woman to walk around with no less than two pairs of false eye lashes, a black eyeshadow crease, and all the trimmings of her former self. Change is a good thing.  Know what to keep, and what to let go of. The pale lip is a classic, but a glossy finish (right) adds fullness and keeps it contemporary. 

Last but not least we have Grace Kelly:

  What I see when I look at this natural beauty is: soft is sexy. Sexy is not always a smoky eye, or crimson lips. Colour is beautiful, but playing up those facial features is what keeps it fresh and beautiful. Even though in the post war era we think of women as heavily made up, dressed to the nines, there is a graceful femininity, a confidence that those women exuded. Makeup is all about extremes nowadays, the bronzer, the harsh smokey eye, the highlight and contour. I think we should stop and give credit to these classy ladies. Yes they definitely wore a full face, but keeping it subtle and defined were key to their classic look, and iconic status.

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